Monday, September 21, 2009

Summer Update One

I noticed as I logged on today that I am a terrible blog updater. I have not written anything since May! I am going to try and be better about that, but right now things are so busy I dont know how it will end up, but I will try.

Since so many things have happened since May, I feel like I need to start with a review of the missing months. I finished my last semester of classes at the U of A, and spent the summer researching my thesis, which is now well underway and will be turned in, Lord Willing, next Friday. After that will be revisions and then, DUN DUN DUN.... the dreaded Thesis defense on December 2. I have mixed emotions about this- excited, scared, terrified, elated; so hopefully it will turn out for the best and I will be done with this thing and move on to my next career move, which I hope will be a return to teaching.

This summer, I submitted an article length paper to a contest sponsored by the Flashback, a small journal put out by the Washington County Historical Society in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I somehow managed to win second place, which allows my article to be published and adds $200 to my savings account. Even though this is a small publication, its a dream come true for me because I have always wanted to write, and now to have something published feels amazing.

I also submitted a couple entries to the Arkansas Encyclopedia of History and Culture, which can be found online, but will not be published until closer to January 2010. I am trying to build up my resume so eventually I can get into a doctoral program somewhere and become Dr. Vego.

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