Thursday, September 24, 2009

Okay... next!

So, we thought we had found the perfect little house for us in Milan, so we put in an offer. We got totally rejected- she didnt even give us a counter offer! We were so disappointed that the offer fell through that Ross and I both started to scramble. We had looked at five other houses in Milan, but none of them stood out to us, so it was back to the drawing board. We found a few more houses that would be okay to move into but would require much work- apparently if you dont like wood paneling or mauve and green paint you cant live in Milan.

Well, as usual, God had a plan for us. We found another home at midnight last night on a website that we had not seen before, and it was a listing that had just ben published. This house is even better than the first one- its newer, has a better location, and is just all around a better home. Mom and Dad were nice enough to go and check it out for us this afternoon, and we have put in an offer on house number two. Please pray that we get this offer- this house is just amazing! God has been so good to us with this opportunity thus far, and I know he has great things in store for us when we get to Milan! I will wait until we have a contract on the home to post pictures, because it seems that was bad luck last time.

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