Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Well, Max has been with us for about a month now, and I must say, he has just now started to calm down. He was quite a wild child for a while, but is getting much better! Here are a few pics we took of him- and I might note he is not photogenic at all. He wont sit still long enough for us to take a good pic! We did manage to get a few decent ones with bribes though, and a few while he is sleeping. :) He and Gus are having a blast.

As for Ross and I, we are doing well. Ross (bless him) has been so sick this past week- he is just now getting to where he can actually get up and around without being dizzy and is slowly getting back to his old self. He has watched a lot of basketball and several movies, and played lots of video games, as sitting on the couch for a week and a half is not conducive to much else.

I finished the semester (finally) with an A and a B, and 30 pages of what will this summer become the introduction and chapter one of my thesis, which is due (first draft) October 1. Heres to a summer of research trips and study, and a lot of writing. And a lot of working! I am helping to run two weeks of History Camp, which will be fun but exhausting.

Check back later for more updates on our summer youth activities.

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