Monday, September 28, 2009

Its Ours! (Almost) :)

Sometimes God blesses you in ways that you never expected, and we have seen that throughout this house buying process. If you read the last couple posts, you know that we made an offer on a home that was rejected, and after scrambling for a couple days, found a home that we fell in love with. After much prayer, paperwork, and many, many phone calls, that home is ours! Well, almost ours. We are under contract, and our loan application is in the works. As soon as it all clears and we close, we will be the proud owners of 1.48 acres and a home at 234 Trenton Highway, Milan TN!

The best part about this home is that we wouldn't have it if the first lady had taken our offer. I know that was God looking down on us and had something better in mind, because this house is not only amazing but we have great neighbors. We have not met them yet, but have been told that one is a former elder of the congregation we will be working with, and the others are members of the church too! God totally had a plan for us and this home! Thank you all for the prayers and for keeping us in your thoughts as this exciting chapter in our lives is starting! Here are a few pics of the house that will be completely ours in a few short weeks.

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