Monday, September 21, 2009

Summer Update Two

Since the last post was just about my junk, this one is just for Ross. He has been so busy and has worked so hard this summer with the youth group. From preaching twice a month, making a young men's service, planning activities, designing posters and tshirts, teaching class twice a week, and taking care of me and my high stress levels, somehow he found time to be the best youth minister ever. The first big event of the summer was our Vacation Bible School, and our good friends from Woodland Hills came up to help us with that event which was a huge success.

After VBS we went to Green Valley Bible Camp. Ross stayed out there until Tuesday when he tore ligaments in his ankle playing basketball and had to be put in a walking cast for 10 days. The month of July was so busy it seems like ten years ago, and honestly I cant even remember what all we did. I know we went to Taylor Christian Camp, and the kids had a blast. What a great week! August was just as busy, with devotionals and back to school cookouts taking up our time before kids got back in the swing of things with school. Our most recent event was RUSH at FHU, which was also an amazing event and fun for everyone. Needless to say, Ross has had an awesomely busy summer and is ready for a break that is a long time coming.

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