Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A New Chapter

As the summer came to a close, Ross was approached by the Main Street church of Christ in Milan, TN. They asked for his resume, and we thought nothing of it. We sent it in, and about three weeks later, after much discussion and prayer, several interviews, and lots of logistical decision making, Ross accepted the position as Youth Minister at Main Street.

This is a decision that was hard for both of us to make- leaving the kids here is going to be really hard, but its also really hard living this far away from virtually all of our family and friends. Sure we have made good friends here and have a nice church family, but this was the opportunity that Ross has been waiting for his whole life. He is going to be working with Taft (who will be the outreach minister), and that is something he has dreamed of since his intern days at Woodland Hills. It was just an opportunity that we couldn't leave behind.

So, as of November, we will be moving to Tennesse, hopefully to a little house that we put an offer on last night. Please pray that this move goes smoothly and that we can get settled in Milan and work to the best of our ability for the Lord. Please also pray that I find a job there and can get back to doing what I love- teaching.

I put a picture of our hopeful house at the top of this post, and if we get it, I will post more pictures. If we dont get it, then the pictures will have to change! Pray that this offer goes through well and we can get this part of our lives going!

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