Saturday, April 24, 2010

Its a Girl!

Ok, so we have known for a while now that we are having a girl, but I have not written about it at all. I figured that its better late than never! So here goes. Ross and I went to the doctor in March and had our first ultrasound at 18 weeks and 3 days. We got to see all of the baby's little features and could even see its heart fluttering away. What a moving experience! I cried the entire time the baby was on the screen. I cried even harder after the nurse asked us if we wanted to know what it was and she told us it was a girl! As we watched her tiny body moving and kicking, Ross and I just looked at each other and we knew we had to name her Amber.

This little baby Amber, whose middle name will be Grace and will go by Gracie, is named after her sweet Aunt Amber that we lost in a tragic accident in August of 2008. I cant wait to tell our little girl stories about her Aunt, and for daddy to show her pictures of them when they were little. I dont think we could honor Amber more than to name our sweet baby girl after her. It is such an exciting time, not only having a baby but having a baby girl. I cannot wait to dress her up and take her everywhere and introduce her to all our family.

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