Saturday, April 24, 2010

Not just one pregnancy, but three!

I have really been blessed with a wonderful pregnancy. Besides morning sickness and a little nausea until week 12, I have had a relatively easy time of it. Something that has made it even eaiser is finding out that not only one of my sisters is pregnant, but BOTH! Now, I know that Suzanne is not my sister by blood, but I dare you to find two actual sisters closer than we are. So, for all intents and purposes, I have two sisters and both of them are expecting! Jordan and Caleb are expecting a little girl, Hannah Taylor, on September 28, and Suzanne and Trent are expecting we dont know what yet on October 31. It has been so much fun shopping and talking about not only names but about everything else baby. Suzanne helped me register at Target, and we are going to breastfeeding class together in June. Jordan and I have talked extensively about what our two are going to be up to at all our family gatherings, and its going to be just awesome having all these babies grow up together. I have attached a picture of the three of us pregos at Beth and Greg's wedding. Yay for babies!!

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