Friday, February 12, 2010

We're Pregnant!

On November 30, I took a pregnancy test. It was positive!! I then took three more tests, and two more when I got to Arkansas (to defend my thesis). All positive! So, we made a doctor's appointment, and our pregnancy was confirmed on December 11, 2009, and I was 6 wks and 3 days along. WOW! We were so excited to know we are going to be parents!!

After MUCH sickness and losing a little weight from not eating anything but crackers and lemon drops, I am finally feeling much better and have most of my energy back. I am craving several things, including chips, dip, french fries, and most things unhealthy! :) This week marks 15 weeks, so I am now in my second trimester. My due date is August 3. We will use this blog to update pregnancy milestones, as well as to show off our new baby when he or she arrives. We are so excited about this new chapter in our lives!!

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