Saturday, April 24, 2010


Ross and I have both been so busy with work lately that we have not seen much of each other besides crashing on the couch when we come in or at a church function. Its kinda crazy, because you want to soak up as much time as you can together before the baby comes, but man, we dont have any time left to soak up! So we are trying to make the best of it and do what we can together when we can. Last week Ross took me fishing. He bought me a new pink fishin' pole and off we went! The best pic we took is on Ross' phone, so I will have to upload that one later. It acutally proves that I caught a fish!

We also went to Makin Music a couple weekends back. What fun! This is an event I always look forward to and where I take great pride in yelling for good ol' XBX (Who won this year by the way)! Here are a couple pics from the show and from eating afterwards.

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