Saturday, April 24, 2010

My lucky day!

So, I went to visit Jordan during my spring break. She had an appointment with a friend of hers to get an ultrasound done to see if her baby would cooperate and tell us what it is. Well, we know what we didnt see, so again, the conclusion for the second time is that Jordan is having a girl. :) As we are getting ready to leave, the girl doing the ultrasound asks me- hey do you wanna take a peek at your baby? WELL YES! I do! so I got to hop up there, and Gracie was being so good that we were able to take 4D pictures of her as she slept! Oh and we confirmed that she was a girl. She is not as modest as her cousin. :) What a beautiful sight! Daddy Ross was so excited when I got home and gave him the pictures. What a sweet surprise!! And I also added a picture of what my belly looks like from the outside. I am just growing and growing!!

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