Saturday, April 24, 2010


Ross and I have both been so busy with work lately that we have not seen much of each other besides crashing on the couch when we come in or at a church function. Its kinda crazy, because you want to soak up as much time as you can together before the baby comes, but man, we dont have any time left to soak up! So we are trying to make the best of it and do what we can together when we can. Last week Ross took me fishing. He bought me a new pink fishin' pole and off we went! The best pic we took is on Ross' phone, so I will have to upload that one later. It acutally proves that I caught a fish!

We also went to Makin Music a couple weekends back. What fun! This is an event I always look forward to and where I take great pride in yelling for good ol' XBX (Who won this year by the way)! Here are a couple pics from the show and from eating afterwards.

My lucky day!

So, I went to visit Jordan during my spring break. She had an appointment with a friend of hers to get an ultrasound done to see if her baby would cooperate and tell us what it is. Well, we know what we didnt see, so again, the conclusion for the second time is that Jordan is having a girl. :) As we are getting ready to leave, the girl doing the ultrasound asks me- hey do you wanna take a peek at your baby? WELL YES! I do! so I got to hop up there, and Gracie was being so good that we were able to take 4D pictures of her as she slept! Oh and we confirmed that she was a girl. She is not as modest as her cousin. :) What a beautiful sight! Daddy Ross was so excited when I got home and gave him the pictures. What a sweet surprise!! And I also added a picture of what my belly looks like from the outside. I am just growing and growing!!

Not just one pregnancy, but three!

I have really been blessed with a wonderful pregnancy. Besides morning sickness and a little nausea until week 12, I have had a relatively easy time of it. Something that has made it even eaiser is finding out that not only one of my sisters is pregnant, but BOTH! Now, I know that Suzanne is not my sister by blood, but I dare you to find two actual sisters closer than we are. So, for all intents and purposes, I have two sisters and both of them are expecting! Jordan and Caleb are expecting a little girl, Hannah Taylor, on September 28, and Suzanne and Trent are expecting we dont know what yet on October 31. It has been so much fun shopping and talking about not only names but about everything else baby. Suzanne helped me register at Target, and we are going to breastfeeding class together in June. Jordan and I have talked extensively about what our two are going to be up to at all our family gatherings, and its going to be just awesome having all these babies grow up together. I have attached a picture of the three of us pregos at Beth and Greg's wedding. Yay for babies!!

Its a Girl!

Ok, so we have known for a while now that we are having a girl, but I have not written about it at all. I figured that its better late than never! So here goes. Ross and I went to the doctor in March and had our first ultrasound at 18 weeks and 3 days. We got to see all of the baby's little features and could even see its heart fluttering away. What a moving experience! I cried the entire time the baby was on the screen. I cried even harder after the nurse asked us if we wanted to know what it was and she told us it was a girl! As we watched her tiny body moving and kicking, Ross and I just looked at each other and we knew we had to name her Amber.

This little baby Amber, whose middle name will be Grace and will go by Gracie, is named after her sweet Aunt Amber that we lost in a tragic accident in August of 2008. I cant wait to tell our little girl stories about her Aunt, and for daddy to show her pictures of them when they were little. I dont think we could honor Amber more than to name our sweet baby girl after her. It is such an exciting time, not only having a baby but having a baby girl. I cannot wait to dress her up and take her everywhere and introduce her to all our family.