Monday, March 14, 2011

Six Months!

Six months! Six months! Oh my!! I cannot believe our little sweet pea is six months old! On the day of her half birthday, we went to Marley's one year birthday party! We had a blast playing with all our friends, and we (well, mommy and daddy) ate some good food. This month, Gracie also started "crawling" (ok we know, its really scooting, but this girl can move!). she can get wherever she wants to go and loves to just move all over the room. I love to watch her spot something and take off for it. :)

We have also had visitors (Noto and Bethany, and Neil), and MORE snow. This time, we built a snowman and played in it a little more, which was a lot of fun. We also discovered how much Gracie hates wind in her face, so that cut down on our play time outside. We went for her 6 month shots, and she weighed 15 lbs and was 26 inches long. she still has TINY feet, and cant wear most six month shoes. :)

Gracie has really started to light up when she sees me or her daddy, and will play with just about anyone until she gets sleepy. Speaking of sleeping, she is doing GREAT and most nights is down by 730 in her own bed and sleeps there until 5 or so when she joins mommy and daddy for an hour or so. :) We just LOVE this little lady so much it hurts! This month, we also took some six month fancy pics. She did great, and had more fun playing with her dress than taking actual pictures.

And, as she has for a long time, Gracie LOVES to take baths. we just love our little duck bathtub and playing in the water. She loves to splash and play and is sad when we make her get out.

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