Monday, March 14, 2011

5 months!

At 5 months, Gracie proved to be one active little lady!! She started her vegetables and fruits, and LOVED practically everything we gave her with the exception of peas and avocado. She loves all fruits, and will even drink a little "juice" from her cup (its actually more water than apple juice). We experienced quite a bit of snow, visited with Aunt Jo, Tay, Uncle Caleb, JJ and Kappy, got the stomach virus (it went through all three of us and was the WORST ever), made a trip to see Suzanne and Callaway and visit FHU, AND went to the park to swing for the first time. What a busy month!! Gracie also started making lots more noises this month, and is getting better at sitting up. she likes to grab EVERYTHING and put it in her mouth, and is wearing out the little butterfly toy Kappy gave her for Christmas. She loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Special Agent Oso, and of course, Baby Einstein. When mommy needs to get some things done, we put on a few minutes of one of these shows!

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