Monday, March 14, 2011

7 months!

I cannot believe it has been another month and Gracie is over halfway to her first birthday!! I am so proud of her- she is smart, fast, and busy all the time! She loves to crawl- she has perfected the army crawl and is starting to push up on her knees for the real thing. She gets into more that I could have ever imagined- especially anything with cords or magazines, or anything else she is not supposed to have.

She has started saying "da da da" and will go "tststststs". she also is starting to test how loud she can get, and some of those little shrill screams will getcha! She loves to play, and when she gets tired she will crawl over to me or Ross and just love on us- we like to call them "hugs". :) She is eating puffs too, and doing quite well. She loves to watch the dogs, and still loves to watch Oso and baby Einstein. She is a great baby and I could not ask for a sweeter little girl!

She also has a temper. Oh boy. I think we are going to be in trouble on this one. :) What a wonderful blessing this little lady is to our family!!

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