Monday, March 14, 2011

7 months!

I cannot believe it has been another month and Gracie is over halfway to her first birthday!! I am so proud of her- she is smart, fast, and busy all the time! She loves to crawl- she has perfected the army crawl and is starting to push up on her knees for the real thing. She gets into more that I could have ever imagined- especially anything with cords or magazines, or anything else she is not supposed to have.

She has started saying "da da da" and will go "tststststs". she also is starting to test how loud she can get, and some of those little shrill screams will getcha! She loves to play, and when she gets tired she will crawl over to me or Ross and just love on us- we like to call them "hugs". :) She is eating puffs too, and doing quite well. She loves to watch the dogs, and still loves to watch Oso and baby Einstein. She is a great baby and I could not ask for a sweeter little girl!

She also has a temper. Oh boy. I think we are going to be in trouble on this one. :) What a wonderful blessing this little lady is to our family!!

Impact- Our first Retreat!

This March 11-13 marked Gracie's first Impact (our church retreat)! She did great- we stayed in a cute little room at the lodge just down the road from where the campsite was and we had a great time. She did have her first little accident- she decided she wanted to roll off the bed and when she did, she hit her sweet little head and scraped her nose. :( it was so sad, but she showed that she was one tough little cookie and barely cried! Gracie enjoyed playing with everyone and being the life of the party.

Six Months!

Six months! Six months! Oh my!! I cannot believe our little sweet pea is six months old! On the day of her half birthday, we went to Marley's one year birthday party! We had a blast playing with all our friends, and we (well, mommy and daddy) ate some good food. This month, Gracie also started "crawling" (ok we know, its really scooting, but this girl can move!). she can get wherever she wants to go and loves to just move all over the room. I love to watch her spot something and take off for it. :)

We have also had visitors (Noto and Bethany, and Neil), and MORE snow. This time, we built a snowman and played in it a little more, which was a lot of fun. We also discovered how much Gracie hates wind in her face, so that cut down on our play time outside. We went for her 6 month shots, and she weighed 15 lbs and was 26 inches long. she still has TINY feet, and cant wear most six month shoes. :)

Gracie has really started to light up when she sees me or her daddy, and will play with just about anyone until she gets sleepy. Speaking of sleeping, she is doing GREAT and most nights is down by 730 in her own bed and sleeps there until 5 or so when she joins mommy and daddy for an hour or so. :) We just LOVE this little lady so much it hurts! This month, we also took some six month fancy pics. She did great, and had more fun playing with her dress than taking actual pictures.

And, as she has for a long time, Gracie LOVES to take baths. we just love our little duck bathtub and playing in the water. She loves to splash and play and is sad when we make her get out.

Park Time with the Barrios

So, we had snow, and unseasonably warm temps in January. So, on one of those warm days, we and the Barrios' bundled up our girls and went to the park! I had such a great time visiting and walking with Leigh Ann while our girls slept, and our hubbies talked "technology" and laughed a good bit too. :) When our sweeties woke up from naptime, we headed for the swings! It was so much fun- Peyton even let us borrow her sweet shades. :)

5 months!

At 5 months, Gracie proved to be one active little lady!! She started her vegetables and fruits, and LOVED practically everything we gave her with the exception of peas and avocado. She loves all fruits, and will even drink a little "juice" from her cup (its actually more water than apple juice). We experienced quite a bit of snow, visited with Aunt Jo, Tay, Uncle Caleb, JJ and Kappy, got the stomach virus (it went through all three of us and was the WORST ever), made a trip to see Suzanne and Callaway and visit FHU, AND went to the park to swing for the first time. What a busy month!! Gracie also started making lots more noises this month, and is getting better at sitting up. she likes to grab EVERYTHING and put it in her mouth, and is wearing out the little butterfly toy Kappy gave her for Christmas. She loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Special Agent Oso, and of course, Baby Einstein. When mommy needs to get some things done, we put on a few minutes of one of these shows!

Its been WAAY too long!

I have been a terrible blogger!! So, what is about to happen here is that there are going to be several blog updates over the next few days so we can play catch up with what all has been happening. I promise I will do better after my complete lapse with blogging for the past two months!