Wednesday, July 14, 2010

VBS 2010

This year we were in charge of putting on VBS at Main Street. What a task! It was a lot harder to organize and get together than it was to run because we have a wonderful youth group and church family that made the actual VBS run VERY smoothly and it was a huge success. Our theme was SHINE! and we looked at the life of Jesus and how he shone to the world, and how we should shine like he did in our daily lives. We had over 100 kids each night and ran out of some crafts, but there were plenty of cookies, kool-aid, and time on the "jump jump" that made it all ok! Thanks to everyone who helped, wether it was leading a group, working the registration table, working in the Marketplace, serving cookies and Kool-aid, supervising the jump jump, running the game room, acting in a skit, working a puppet, or running errands or anything else I could have forgotten. Amazing VBS guys!

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