Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jordan's Baby Shower

Having my sister pregnant at the same time as me has been amazing. We call each other all the time with questions and "what did the doctor say" and "you know I heard...."- It really has been a lot of fun. But the best part is that our little girls will get to grow up together, and that is truly awesome. They are going to be the most spoiled, cutest dressed, amazing little things ever.

Suzanne sweetens the deal even more since she is expecting. The three of us never dreamed we would have babies at the same time, much less within weeks of each other! God has truly blessed our families and we are so thankful. Speaking of Suzanne, she and Sandra were sweet enough to drive down to Southaven with me for Jordan's baby shower. We had a blast, and talked about everything on the drive there and back. Congrats to Jordan and Caleb, and we can't wait to meet our sweet niece Taylor!

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