Wednesday, July 14, 2010

4th of July!

We had so much fun on the 4th this year. It was actually a weekend-long celebration for us, starting with a little get together at the Bradfords. We grilled out, swam in the pool, rode the zipline (Dont worry, I just watched), fished, and just relaxed, which was so nice since we were about to get into VBS prep for a week. Ross even caught a big ol' bass fish! Saturday was much of the same- we went swimming and cooked out that night- again, very relaxing and a great way to celebrate! Noto joined us from Arkansas and it was great to see him and visit. On the actual 4th, we all went over to Shaun and Leigh Ann's and grilled out and played with the kiddos and even shot some fireworks. It was an awesome time! We truly have the best friends any one could ask for!

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