Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ross' Surprise Birthday!

For the past five years, I have tried diligently to surprise my sweet Ross on his birthday. I have failed miserably for the past four, but we finally got him this year. His birthday fell at the end of VBS week so he was completely preoccupied with what was going on with that to notice that we were up to anything. It was quite interesting trying to get everything in order because Ross was everywhere all day long. It actually worked out and when he would leave, someone would come in with something. We hid balloons in the girls bathroom and ice cream in a refrigerator we knew he would not look in. Finally after VBS had ended, we had everyone stay at the church and when Ross got back from taking kids home we all jumped out and said "SURPRISE!" and ate ice cream. He really was totally shocked! Here are a few pics of the surprise!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Camera playing again

Sometimes I am at home alone. Its not very often, but when it is I like to find little things to do that dont require much energy because lets face it, at this point, I dont have much. :-). I was sitting in the living room one night as Ross and Preston had gone to play softball and noticed that we had an amazing sunset going on- so I took some pics. Here they are, unedited, straight off the camera. And I took a few of Max and Gus as well.

4th of July!

We had so much fun on the 4th this year. It was actually a weekend-long celebration for us, starting with a little get together at the Bradfords. We grilled out, swam in the pool, rode the zipline (Dont worry, I just watched), fished, and just relaxed, which was so nice since we were about to get into VBS prep for a week. Ross even caught a big ol' bass fish! Saturday was much of the same- we went swimming and cooked out that night- again, very relaxing and a great way to celebrate! Noto joined us from Arkansas and it was great to see him and visit. On the actual 4th, we all went over to Shaun and Leigh Ann's and grilled out and played with the kiddos and even shot some fireworks. It was an awesome time! We truly have the best friends any one could ask for!

VBS 2010

This year we were in charge of putting on VBS at Main Street. What a task! It was a lot harder to organize and get together than it was to run because we have a wonderful youth group and church family that made the actual VBS run VERY smoothly and it was a huge success. Our theme was SHINE! and we looked at the life of Jesus and how he shone to the world, and how we should shine like he did in our daily lives. We had over 100 kids each night and ran out of some crafts, but there were plenty of cookies, kool-aid, and time on the "jump jump" that made it all ok! Thanks to everyone who helped, wether it was leading a group, working the registration table, working in the Marketplace, serving cookies and Kool-aid, supervising the jump jump, running the game room, acting in a skit, working a puppet, or running errands or anything else I could have forgotten. Amazing VBS guys!

Jordan's Baby Shower

Having my sister pregnant at the same time as me has been amazing. We call each other all the time with questions and "what did the doctor say" and "you know I heard...."- It really has been a lot of fun. But the best part is that our little girls will get to grow up together, and that is truly awesome. They are going to be the most spoiled, cutest dressed, amazing little things ever.

Suzanne sweetens the deal even more since she is expecting. The three of us never dreamed we would have babies at the same time, much less within weeks of each other! God has truly blessed our families and we are so thankful. Speaking of Suzanne, she and Sandra were sweet enough to drive down to Southaven with me for Jordan's baby shower. We had a blast, and talked about everything on the drive there and back. Congrats to Jordan and Caleb, and we can't wait to meet our sweet niece Taylor!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baby Showers

Its easy for me to say that Ross and I have the best friends in the world. We have been so blessed by so many well wishes, gifts, gift cards, and every thing else! Gracie already has everything she could possibly need (and more)- now we just need her to get here safely and within the next three weeks, please :)

We have had two showers- Meleia, Leigh Anne, Natasha, and a couple ladies from church helped to throw us a "youth group" shower. What a fun night! We also had our shower at Main Street, and man, did we get tons of stuff! I don't think I will be purchasing any diapers for a while (at least the first 2 months) and Miss Gracie is going to be one well dressed little lady.

Here are a few pictures from the showers.

More arts and crafts!

Now that Jordan has gotten her present, I can post the rest of my arts and crafts on here! I am attempting to learn how to make all things baby- quilts, bibs, clothes, bows, you name it. I started with quilts since I do have some knowledge on that subject, and thought I would make Jordan one since she is prego too! I went to wal mart and bought some fabric that was already pre- cut into squares, so all I had to do was lay it out in the pattern I wanted and sew it all together. I had a great time doing this, and I hope Jordan and Taylor like it as much as I did when it was finished.