Thursday, February 19, 2009


Since there isn't much going on in our lives other than work and school, I decided to write this post about our sweet Gus. He is 8 months old now, and is by far the most active dog I have ever owned in my life. We love him so much and recently he has developed new habits that I find hilarious. First, when we come in the door after having been out to church or school or wherever, Gus meets us at the door shaking his little bottom until you think its going to fall off (he doesnt have a tail). He also plays a game with us where he brings us a toy and lays it on our hands or in our lap and watches to see when we are going to try and pick it up, and before we do, he takes it away and runs. He has also started curling up with us in the bed early in the morning. He will sleep most of the night in his kennel or on the floor, and around 6 AM he jumps up into the bed with us and cuddles until we all get up. What a sweetie. He has also become very protective, barking at everything that moves in the yard, even Ross. We play chase and hide/seek alot, and the other day, I hit my elbow on the counter trying to run from him. It hurt. I sat in the kitchen floor screaming, and the whole time Gus just sat with me and licked my arm until I got up. I love this dog! I have put a few pics up chronicling his growth over the past 8 months, and we hope you like them!

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