Friday, January 30, 2009

Winter Getaway

The Beautiful Crescent Hotel
Frisco the six toed cat, protector from Ghosts.
Our beautiful, cozy little room.

So for Christmas, Ross got me a stay at the Crescent Hotel and a couple's massage. Boy was I excited! The Crescent is an historic hotel in Eureka Springs, built in 1886 and still standing. If you know me well at all, you know that I am very passionate about all things historic, so I was totally pumped about this gift.  The Crescent was actually very nice and had a pretty cool atmosphere, but the thing is, its haunted. It has been featured on the Sci Fi Channel, as well as the Travel Channel's "most haunted USA", and if you dare, you can find a video about it on youtube. 

Our room was on the third floor and was supposedly not haunted, but we didn't really ask too many questions either. There was a tabby cat with six toes on his front paws named "Frisco" who came into our room for a while, which was ok with me cause I heard that cats keep away ghosts. Speaking of ghosts, there was a ghost tour we could have taken, but I will admit, I was afraid to find out exactly what was going on in the Crescent, especially since I had to stay the night there.  So, Ross and I go downstairs to the spa to enjoy our massage, and let met say, if you have never had a massage, get one! They are wonderfully relaxing and just the best ever. 

After we recovered from relaxing, we decided to venture out on the town for dinner, finding only a couple places open since its winter season, but we ate decently well. The rest of the night went well, that is, until about 3 AM when I woke up feeling like someone was watching me sleep. It wasnt Ross.  Ross wouldnt even move for me to tell him I thought there was something watching me! Needless to say there is no sleep for me after this point. I think I dozed a little throughout the night, but didn't sleep. We got up the next morning had our complimentary breakfast in the dining room (wonderful, by the way) and headed back home. Next time I go to the Crescent, it will be for the massages and the ghost tour only, not for the stay. And on the way home, Ross tells me that he thought someone hit him during the night. It wasn't me. Is the Crescent haunted? I think so.

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