Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kirk Kirks 80th Birthday Celebration

back row l to r: Jordan Mills McMillen, Jenny Mills Vego, Kathy Hogan Mills, Bryan Hogan, Patricia Hogan Briscoe, Daniel Case, Shane Briscoe.
front row l to r: Anna Faith Case, Kasey Rodgers, Taylor McMillen, Kirk Kirk, Karma Rodgers, Gracie Vego
I dont know how many people are as lucky as I am to have my Grandmother. She is truly a wonderful woman, and we have really been keeping up with each other lately. She turned 80 a few weeks ago, and the whole family got together to celebrate. We had a wonderful time visiting with everyone, especially our Texas relatives! We made a slide show for Kirk Kirk, and she teared up remembering all the wonderful years she has had on this earth. It was such a beautiful, and special occasion for all of us, and I would not have missed it for the world! We had four generations present. Wow!

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