Wednesday, August 3, 2011

11 months

This month has brought a lot of changes our way! Gracie, as always, is very vocal. She is a very busy baby and is into literally everything. This month, she has really taken off with her standing up abilities, and loves to "walk" around the room (or the house for that matter) holding on to everything. By the end of month 11, she has started standing up on her own in the middle of the room, without holding on to anything, and has even taken a couple steps on her own! How exciting is this! She is going to be walking before we even know what to do. :) She has turned around in her car seat, and is very good at sharing with other babies and playing with kids bigger and smaller than she is. She is sweet, loves to give hugs and kisses, and is so helpful with laundry and she LOVES to play in the kitchen with mommy. She even "cleans" when mommy does! Its so cute. She will love her babies, and takes one to church with her most of the time. She still loves bath time, and loves to push things around the house (toys, stools, chairs, etc). Oh how I love this sweet baby girl! Watching her grow is truly amazing, and its a gift from God!! Thank you Lord for this baby of mine :)

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