Monday, August 15, 2011

Atlanta #2!

first carousel ride!
gardening at the children's museum of Atlanta
playing trains with Daddy :)
just playing at the park!
Miss Gracie loves to swing!!
We took a little "Mini-vaca" to Atlanta after Gracie's birthday. It was a much needed break from the craziness of summer, and we had such a fun time playing with our friends Bo and Chelsea. Ross also got to speak at Peach Tree City church of Christ's summer series on Wednesday night, and it was great to hear him speak. Here are a few pics from the week.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gracie's First Birthday

We had the best time at Gracie's first birthday party! She was surrounded by her family and friends and they all played and partied so well together! to kick off the party, we ate some yummy hamburgers and hot dogs, and some other goodies. Then we tore into the cake! Gracie did a great job with it, even though she ate mostly icing and only made a small dent in her cake. She loved it and literally cried when we took her away from it! Then we opened presents, and Gracie got so many goodies we are putting some back for random days and even saving some for Christmas! We are so blessed with awesome friends and family! After presents the kiddos got ready and went outside for the slip and slide and the swimming pool. Boy did they all have a blast! The boys did a great job taking turns on the slip and slide and all the girlies played in the pool and sweet Taylor even tried to dunk herself! We really did have a great time and we are so thankful to be surrounded by such awesome people! Thanks to all for coming and celebrating with us!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

11 months

This month has brought a lot of changes our way! Gracie, as always, is very vocal. She is a very busy baby and is into literally everything. This month, she has really taken off with her standing up abilities, and loves to "walk" around the room (or the house for that matter) holding on to everything. By the end of month 11, she has started standing up on her own in the middle of the room, without holding on to anything, and has even taken a couple steps on her own! How exciting is this! She is going to be walking before we even know what to do. :) She has turned around in her car seat, and is very good at sharing with other babies and playing with kids bigger and smaller than she is. She is sweet, loves to give hugs and kisses, and is so helpful with laundry and she LOVES to play in the kitchen with mommy. She even "cleans" when mommy does! Its so cute. She will love her babies, and takes one to church with her most of the time. She still loves bath time, and loves to push things around the house (toys, stools, chairs, etc). Oh how I love this sweet baby girl! Watching her grow is truly amazing, and its a gift from God!! Thank you Lord for this baby of mine :)

Noto's Wedding

Gracie was in her first wedding on July 16, which was also her daddy's birthday! She was so precious in her little dress, and Wyatt pulled her down the aisle in a wagon with Marley. They did such a great job! Here are a few pics from the wedding.

2nd Annual 4th of July Barrios Bash

The Hot Mamas!

The whole gang

The kiddos

Just the Girls :)

Once again, we took it to the Barrios house for a party! This was the second year we have had the fourth party over there, and they sure know how to throw down! The kids had a blast playing in all the water stuff, and so did the parents! We ate good food, had some yummy drinks, and hung out til way past bedtime :)

Kirk Kirks 80th Birthday Celebration

back row l to r: Jordan Mills McMillen, Jenny Mills Vego, Kathy Hogan Mills, Bryan Hogan, Patricia Hogan Briscoe, Daniel Case, Shane Briscoe.
front row l to r: Anna Faith Case, Kasey Rodgers, Taylor McMillen, Kirk Kirk, Karma Rodgers, Gracie Vego
I dont know how many people are as lucky as I am to have my Grandmother. She is truly a wonderful woman, and we have really been keeping up with each other lately. She turned 80 a few weeks ago, and the whole family got together to celebrate. We had a wonderful time visiting with everyone, especially our Texas relatives! We made a slide show for Kirk Kirk, and she teared up remembering all the wonderful years she has had on this earth. It was such a beautiful, and special occasion for all of us, and I would not have missed it for the world! We had four generations present. Wow!

The Swimming Pool!

Gracie got a swimming pool from Granddaddy Oscar! She has had the best time playing in it, and we have had some great opportunities for photos! Here are a few of our favorites.

She also likes to go swimming in the big pool. We are fortunate to have several pools to take her to, and its been really hot, so we have taken advantage!