Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Zoo

This year we decided to purchase a Zoo membership so that we could visit the Memphis Zoo anytime we wanted! we have already taken four trips and Gracie has had the best time. She loves to ride in her stroller and watch the animals run around. We got to see the Giraffe feeding one afternoon and she just watched intently and it was so neat so see her take such an interest in animals this early on! She also likes the penguins, and the grizzly bears. They have a really cool new exhibit where you can walk over this large bridge and once you get to the top you can see the grizzly bears play, as well as wolves and elk. Its really neat, and we also like to hang out in the huge lodge with air conditioning. :) We have also taken trips there with Aunt Jo, Uncle Caleb, and Taylor, and Kappy as well as the whole Vego clan! This was truly a good investment and I know there will be many more trips to come.

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