Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Atlanta 2011

Gracie havin a blast in the swing!
Family photo op at Granddaddy Vegos
Pool Time!
She watched EVERYTHING at the aquarium!

We went to Atlanta to visit our Vego relatives. Gracie got to meet her great grandfather Frank Vego, her great grandmother Marcy, and her great aunt Velena, and Granddaddy Oscar and Uncle John, Aunt Elisha, and Tyler were there too! We all got to celebrate Granddaddy Frank's 88th Birthday. It was so much fun getting to know everyone and getting to spend time with our Vego family that we dont get to see very often. We took Gracie to the aquarium for the first time, and she also got to go swimming in the hotel pool. She had a blast splashing in the water, and playing with cousin Tyler. We also did a little shopping, took a hike, and found lots to play with in our hotel room. What a great trip!

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