Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Zoo

This year we decided to purchase a Zoo membership so that we could visit the Memphis Zoo anytime we wanted! we have already taken four trips and Gracie has had the best time. She loves to ride in her stroller and watch the animals run around. We got to see the Giraffe feeding one afternoon and she just watched intently and it was so neat so see her take such an interest in animals this early on! She also likes the penguins, and the grizzly bears. They have a really cool new exhibit where you can walk over this large bridge and once you get to the top you can see the grizzly bears play, as well as wolves and elk. Its really neat, and we also like to hang out in the huge lodge with air conditioning. :) We have also taken trips there with Aunt Jo, Uncle Caleb, and Taylor, and Kappy as well as the whole Vego clan! This was truly a good investment and I know there will be many more trips to come.

Visiting Cousin Taylor!

We have had the opportunity to visit Jordan, Caleb, and cousin Taylor a lot since the girls have been born. Here are a few pics from our various visits. There will be plenty more of these to come! Its so nice for the girls to get to play with each other- they share pretty well and act right most of the time. its also quite nice for us mommies to be able to sit and talk and hang out- we are so blessed! Jordan even had to take care of us one trip when I got the stomach virus, which was no fun at all and I got lysol-ed about every ten minutes. :) oh memories! We also started taking walks around the block when it got warm enough, and the girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves as much as the mommies did! I love my family, and am so glad we get to do this!

Easter 2011

happy easter!
having fun on our balcony at Opryland Hotel
posing :)

mom and I found these bloomers at a consignment sale the weekend I found out we were having a girl!

Gracie's first Easter was spent at Lads to Leaders. We did a lot of walking, and Gracie enjoyed watching all the kids running all over the place. We asked The easter bunny if he could come a week early so that he didnt have to hop all the way to nashville to find us, and he did. Here are a few pics of Gracie with her easter goodies, and a photo op we created for her to model one of her many easter outfits.

9 months

Atlanta 2011

Gracie havin a blast in the swing!
Family photo op at Granddaddy Vegos
Pool Time!
She watched EVERYTHING at the aquarium!

We went to Atlanta to visit our Vego relatives. Gracie got to meet her great grandfather Frank Vego, her great grandmother Marcy, and her great aunt Velena, and Granddaddy Oscar and Uncle John, Aunt Elisha, and Tyler were there too! We all got to celebrate Granddaddy Frank's 88th Birthday. It was so much fun getting to know everyone and getting to spend time with our Vego family that we dont get to see very often. We took Gracie to the aquarium for the first time, and she also got to go swimming in the hotel pool. She had a blast splashing in the water, and playing with cousin Tyler. We also did a little shopping, took a hike, and found lots to play with in our hotel room. What a great trip!

8 months!