Friday, June 18, 2010

Arts and Crafts

Ross and Preston took the Youth Group to Atlanta for a week of mission work, and then to Dyersburg, TN for a week of work camp. Needless to say, I was completely lost without Ross being here so I had to find tons of stuff to do to keep myself from going insane. So, I turned to Arts and Crafts! I chose to paint, sew, and to take pictures (or at least try- I am nowhere near as good as Ross). So, here are some pics of the items I 'crafted' while Ross was working!

This is my attempt at photography. This is my sweet Gus dog!
Some pretty scenery behind the Agricultural Museum in Milan, TN. Great cloudy day for pics!
Flowers on the campus of the Agricultural Museum.

This one I painted to match the shower curtain and accessories in our guest bath/Gracie's Bathroom. I dont want to make it a total little girl's paradise yet, but a little floral touch never hurt anyone!

This is just simple stripes that I painted on a canvas to go in my living room.
I cant post pics of my sewing adventures yet because I acutally made something as a gift for someone, and I dont want to ruin the surprise on the off chance that this person will read my blog! I am hoping to do some more stuff soon- Suzanne and I bought patterns to make some adorable jumpers for our girls, as well as bibs, play mats, and a few other odds and ends. Will post when I give the gift!

Get Togethers with Friends

We have really enjoyed getting to visit with our friends and family this summer. These trips are few and far between but we try to take advantage of the time we have before all these babies get here! Here are a few pics from our visit to Jordan and Caleb's and a few from Jordan's Premier Jewelry kickoff party.

Shots of Us!

We sometimes volunteer people to take pictures for us. Here are a few shots that have been taken of our beautiful sweet family. I just love being pregnant!

My personal photographer

Ross and I are in love not only with this little baby growing in my belly, but with our new camera. He has read and watched videos and played with photoshop stuff so much he has become my own personal maternity photographer! and boy is he good. He is patient with me when I get hot and frustrated and dont know how to stand, and he is really good at bringing home the pictures we take and making them look amazing. Here are a few maternity shots he has taken.

Getting the Nursery Ready!

Well, after weeks of looking and wondering and not being able to make up our minds, Ross and I finally agreed on bedding, furniture and paint for Gracie's room! It is just adorable. The bedding came in first, and we just had to sit and look at it until our furniture got here, which didn't take long at all. After we got it all in the room, we decided that we needed some pretty pink paint to go on the walls, and that would just complete it all! SO, Ross and I went to Lowe's, picked out paint, and came home and got to work! Honestly, I didnt paint much- I taped it all off and Ross and Preston painted the entire room extremely quickly. It looks great! Here are some photos of the almost finished product- we just hung a few canvases and the curtain and I dont have pics of those yet, but will post when I get them. Enjoy!