Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Its Official, I stink at blogging!

Thats it. Its official. I am a terrible blogger. You know why? Well, its because of several factors of course. 1. I am so busy chasing around this little stinker of mine I dont make time to blog, not to mention life is pretty crazy. but more than that, 2. I dont feel like anything in my life is particularly interesting enough to blog about. Sounds silly, doesnt it? Well, I have decided that the writer in me needs to blog, so I am once again going to attempt blogging but in a different way. I am going to blog about things I am interested in, think about, learning experiences, and of course, my family (and just for kicks, I may throw in the occasional photography story or craft lesson). This is about to get interesting, so stay tuned!

Today, I am going to start right where I left off, and that was in October of 2011. What a huge amount of changes we have been through since then!!! We have survived another move, another new year, a rental house, and we have a 19 month old. I will be writing about all of this coming up soon, just a little later than I would like.

Something happened to me today. I realized just how much Gracie watches every.move.I.make. And she says the things we say. And acts the way we act. Its funny sometimes, like this morning when I was done with my workout and she cried because the work out tape was not on anymore so we had to turn it back on, but other times, its not funny at all. Its not funny when I realize what a HUGE job I have in being responsible for the person that she becomes. Its not funny when I realize that when I get out of step with God, she sees this and could act the same way if I am not careful. We can all learn a little life lesson from this, and it reminds me of the song "be careful little ears what you hear". We need to make sure we are being the people God has called us to be so that we can show his light and life and love to all those we encounter.

On a lighter note, let me share something my funny little girl did this morning. I had the sewing machine out last night making Gracie's st. patricks day outfit, and this morning she found it. And took the thread off the machine, and unrolled it all over the dining room and the living room. And she has two new phrases that I love. One is "see me"- she tells me this every time she wants me to pick her up- she walks up to me and holds her arms up and says "see me", which I guess comes from me telling her to "Come see me" all the time. She also says, "what doing?" all the time now, and so I get to tell her which task I am attempting to accomplish at the moment. I love watching her little personality develop, and I am totally in love with this sweetie!

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