Thursday, September 1, 2011

August 2011

Gracie took her first steps on her birthday, and this month she has really started walking!! It was slow going at first, but once she got the hang of it she took off and it hasnt slowed down since! August has been a very busy month- we had our Anniversary, Gracie's first birthday party, Senior send off, a trip to Atlanta/Peach Tree City for Ross to speak, took a trip to Southaven to take pictures for Vego Photography, took some maternity pictures for our friend Ashley, and took a trip to Mammoth Spring, AR for a little rest and relaxation! Whew! Just writing this makes me tired. :) We really did have a great month, and Gracie is growing like a weed. Here are a few things she is doing at a year:
She loves to eat corn!
She babbles all the time- sometimes I am not sure what she is saying but thats ok.
boy oh boy do we love bathtime!
she does great in bible class
she is a great shopper, and will nap in her stroller if she gets too tired.
we got a farm at IKEA in atlanta, and she loves to play with the animals and tells us what the cow says. She also loves to watch OSO, Spongebob, and baby einstein.

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