Wednesday, November 3, 2010

All about Gracie

This post is all about my sweet pea, who will be 3 months on Friday. Where has the time gone? 3 whole months have flown by, and they have been filled with joy thanks to our little one. She is our world, and we just love her to pieces! Here are a few of the things she is doing right now:
- She will "talk" to you- she loves to make noises and coo when you talk to her
- She will give you the biggest smiles you have ever seen!
- She is starting to like tummy time and will push her little self right up and look around, and then she will roll over!!! Amazing.
- She is starting to blow bubbles with her spit. Funny how she has no idea she is doing this, yet I think it amazing. :)
- she is the most loving little thing- she loves to lay on you and nap, and when she first wakes up, she just lays her head on your shoulder and snuggles. She also snuggles early in the morning!
-she LOVES to kick stuff. When we went to Jordan's a few weeks ago, they let me borrow Taylor's kick and crawl mat that had a big ball hanging on it that you could kick. Gracie loved it, so we got her one, and now when she plays she has to kick something. She loves it!
- She is STRONG. you really have to watch her because she will push off your chest with her arms, or she will lock her legs out so hard and push. Cant believe a 3 month old has this much strength!!
I love this child with more than I could ever imagine. She is my life, my world, and I love every minute I get to spend with her. Thank you God for giving us the gift of Gracie!!!

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