Friday, October 1, 2010

Gracie is here!!

Well, since Miss Gracie wouldn't come on her own, we had to go get her :) We checked into Baptist Women's Hospital on August 4 at 8 PM. They started my meds that night, and induced me at 4AM. My water was broken at 8AM, and by 8PM, still no baby. I was getting really uncomfortable and anxious, and with the Pitocin going up Gracie's heart rate went down. So by 9:30, the decision was made to go to surgery and do a C-Section. I sang GLORY HALLELUJAH in my head and cried with excitement as we headed to get this sweet girl! Ross has never dressed so quickly- they came in and handed him scrubs and before I knew it he was dressed to impress! :)At 10:11 PM, Amber Grace Vego was born! Ross got to hold her for about an hour before I did because I was on so many meds, but he let me kiss her and look at her sweet face. :) We finally got out of recovery and into a room at 1:00AM, and had wonderful nurses who took care of us while we were in the hospital.

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