Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And She Rolls!!!

My sweet baby is on the move! She has started to like "tummy time" and doesnt just cry the whole time she is laying there. She started picking her head up, and I caught a few pictures of her pushing up with her arms, and looking around at the world from a different vantage point. She's not so sure about all that yet :)

And as we were taking these pics, My sweet baby rolled over from her stomach to her back! It was possibly the most exciting thing I have ever seen! The video that I took was too big to upload, so here is a little video I happened to catch of her in action just a few days later!

Photo Shoots

I am so glad that we invested in a camera. We have had so much fun with photo shoots around here- I am not sure that Gracie appreciates them but we are makin all kinds of memories with this camera! Here are a few shots from a recent session we did with her in our kitchen/living room ;)

Taylor is Here!!

Jordan and Caleb welcomed sweet Hannah Taylor McMillen on September 26, 2010 Weighing 9 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 3/4 in long. What a beautiful sweet baby she is!!


We have had a lot of visitors since Miss Gracie arrived. here are a few pics of some of her fans. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Gracie is here!!

Well, since Miss Gracie wouldn't come on her own, we had to go get her :) We checked into Baptist Women's Hospital on August 4 at 8 PM. They started my meds that night, and induced me at 4AM. My water was broken at 8AM, and by 8PM, still no baby. I was getting really uncomfortable and anxious, and with the Pitocin going up Gracie's heart rate went down. So by 9:30, the decision was made to go to surgery and do a C-Section. I sang GLORY HALLELUJAH in my head and cried with excitement as we headed to get this sweet girl! Ross has never dressed so quickly- they came in and handed him scrubs and before I knew it he was dressed to impress! :)At 10:11 PM, Amber Grace Vego was born! Ross got to hold her for about an hour before I did because I was on so many meds, but he let me kiss her and look at her sweet face. :) We finally got out of recovery and into a room at 1:00AM, and had wonderful nurses who took care of us while we were in the hospital.

Our 3 Year Anniversary!

With Gracie's arrival upon us, Ross and I took a short trip to Memphis before she was born to celebrate our three year anniversary. We checked into a beautiful room at the River Inn on Mud Island (beautiful, by the way, and I recommend you stay there) and spent two nights hanging out and soaking up our time with each other before our sweet baby girl's birth. We had a great time- we ate a lot and slept as much as we could, and we also went to a movie and to the Pink Palace. Here are a few pictures of our trip.