Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Callaway is one too!!! :)

the spread!
best friends and babies!!
these two are up to something for sure!
almost time for cake!

Now its time for Callaway's birthday! Suzanne, Sandra, and Trent did a great job getting ready for this party. It was a beautiful day outside, and Suzanne's decorations looked like something straight out of Southern Living magazine. We had a great time visiting with friends and of course, letting Gracie help Callaway with her gifts was fun too :) Here are a few shots from the day.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Times, they are a changin'

After laboring here at the Main Street church of Christ in Milan, TN for two years, we have made the decision that the time has come to move. Lord willing, we will be heading to work with the Millington church of Christ in Millington, TN by January 2012. We are super excited about what God has planned for us to do there, and cant wait to get to work with the Millington church! We have already met some wonderful people who check in on us frequently, and I cant wait to get to know them all better. We of course will be sad to leave all our friends here in Milan, but having approached this decision prayerfully, I know it is whats best for our little family. Stay tuned to the next chapter of our lives!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Vego Photography

We have started a new business venture!! Since Gracie came along, we have been taking a ton of pictures. Ross and I both started reading up on the subject, and after many people telling us we needed to start a business, we finally did! We are currently a very small "company" specializing in children and family photography, but we are glad to work on whatever project you have in mind! We also do senior portraits, newborn, maternity, and are looking for the perfect couple to be our guinea pigs on engagements, as well as a bride who is willing to let us do some bridal portraits! I hope to one day work my way up to doing weddings, but i want some practice before I tackle that one. :) If you are interested in our work, please take a look at our Photography page on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Vego-Photography/111010102327093
We are working on getting a website, and hopefully it will be live by January of 2012. Please email us for pricing information at vegophotography@yahoo.com.