Friday, December 31, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I took these pics of Gracie the other day- in the ones where she has on clothes, she is modeling my christmas dress from 1981.

Rice Cereal time!!

So Gracie started eating rice cereal this week- how much fun!!! Its a bit messy, but she loves it and is really doing well! We are so proud of our little stinker!

Its Christmas Time at the Vegos!

This year, we started our very own Vego tradition of staying at home on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It was absolutely wonderful! Ross' mom and Meme came up to visit and celebrate with us on Thursday, and my mom came up on Friday. We really did have a great time. However, I really missed getting to see Jordan, Taylor, and Caleb so next Christmas we are going to have to do something about getting together with them! We are planning a trip within the next couple weeks so I am sure I will be blogging about sister-cousin time. :)

Gracie loved christmas. She especially loved trying to eat the wrapping paper and boxes that her gifts came in. :) We had a blast helping her open gifts and have really enjoyed reading her new books to her, playing with her new toys, and dressing her up in her new clothes! She doesnt need another thing until her birthday (except for maybe diapers :))

God has truly blessed us with a loving family and a wonderful home to live in, and a wonderful church family who has just wrapped us up and accepted us as if we had been here forever. We are so thankful for that!! What a wonderful holiday season this has been!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday Parties

This year we have had a VERY busy holiday season! We have been to seven different parties and needless to say are almost partied out! All the parties were fun, but by far we had the best time at the Ugly Sweater party! With a $100 prize at stake, folks went all out and wore their tackiest attire possible. Here are a few pics of our fun evening. And no, we didnt win. But ross did get in the top six (not because his sweater was that great, but because he looked like a creeper).

Four Months!

Our sweet Gracie turned four months on December 5! It is crazy to think that she has already been here that long! We took her to get her four month shots and she did surprisingly well. She weighs 13 lbs. 7 oz. and is 25 inches long! I am so proud of this little lady and so excited that she is a part of our lives. I just love being her mommy and so glad I get to spend time with her every day! Here are just a few of the things she is doing now:

- we started her in her crib. She actually does pretty well, and only cried one night. We are all sleeping much better now!
- she is rolling over in every direction and she LOVES to sleep on her belly!
- she is now making a wet "razz" sound with her tongue. It makes a huge mess of spit going everywhere but its so stinkin cute! she blows bubbles and is just a very happy baby.
- she will talk, coo, laugh, squeal, and is VERY vocal. I think we are going to have a talker on our hands!
- she is sitting up well! She likes her bumbo and likes to sit in our laps.
- She went to her first bible class on December 12 and she LOVED it.
- She has found her toes and does not know what to think about them!
We are so blessed to have such a sweet baby girl, and we love her more every day!!

Gracie's Christmas pics

This poor child of ours is already becoming a camera hog! But she is good at it and she takes amazing pictures. So, here are some of the pics we took of her in her many christmas outfits!